Tyra Coach aka "Ty Macasso" is a visual artist from Prince George's County Maryland. She is currently living in Philadelphia and is seeking her Master's in Painting at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. She received her Bachelor's of Fine Arts in Studio Art at Delaware State University. Tyra loves to combine art and fashion together as well. She has helped many musicians , up and coming clothing designers, and entrepreneurs, with their buisnesses in the DC, MD, and VA area. She currently continues to paint murals and conduct graphic designs on the side as well. With her previous job experience as a Museum Technician at the National Gallery of Art museum in Washington DC, Tyra's dream job is to become an art director at a museum and a traveling muralist. Her main subjects that she focuses on in painting includes Climate Change , Mass Extinction, Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Self-Love, Colorism, Diversity, Inclusion, and more.